Princetown Arts Festival

Mark your calendars for August 18th to August 20th!

Join us at the inaugural Princetown Arts Festival for three exciting days celebrating the incredible talent of our local artists. Don't miss this chance to immerse yourself in captivating displays, interact with the artists, and discover the magic of their creativity. Be part of an unforgettable cultural experience and support our thriving art community. See you there in person!

The Princetown Arts Festival is here! 🎉 🎨

From August 18th to August 20th, we will be joining local artists and creators to showcase the wonderful talent of our home, Princetown.

What's on?

Expect Painters, Sculptors, Printers, Textile Art, Woodworkers, Blacksmiths, Jewellers, Potters, Poets, and Photographers, it's going to be an absolute blast!

To find out more about the event check out the Facebook page here!

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The Princetown Arts Festival is here! 🎉 🎨

As you can see on the map, there are events happening all over Princetown, from Two Bridges Hotel offering a Cream Tea dance with live music from The Fine Whines Vintage Jazz band (if you aren't intrigued after that sentence!).

At St Michael's Church, you can also see and hear the Lovely Male Voice Choir.

No matter what interests you have, you are guaranteed to have something spark your fancy!

Tried Screen Printing? 👀

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How To Screen Print - Useful Guides

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Screen Printer Takeover: Natasha Luton

Screen Printer Takeover: Natasha Luton

For my Takeover for Hunt The Moon, I thought I would showcase the process of my latest print; The Disco Giraffe in both colour ways, Disco and Natural. Before each design gets to the print stage it starts its life as a hand-drawn illustration, from a rough pencil sketch through to choosing the final black lines and the fun bit of deciding where the colours will sit.
Screenprinter Showcase: Natasha Luton

Screenprinter Showcase: Natasha Luton

Hello! I'm Natasha Luton, a printmaker and artist based in North Devon specialising in screen printing, notably onto textiles (line/cotton). I've recently been screen printing a lot of animals onto wood and preloved clothing. 

I first fell in love with the process of screen printing when I studied fashion and textiles at university. Several years after graduating I started to buy supplies and figure out a way of printing my drawings from home. The rest is history and I've been completely obsessed with creating and printing ever since.

How To Coat a Screen with Photo Emulsion

How To Coat a Screen with Photo Emulsion

Coating a screen with Photo Emulsion and Diazo Sensitiser is a critical step in the screen printing process. It lays the foundation for transferring your designs onto various surfaces with precision and clarity. If you're new to Screen Printing or looking to refine your coating technique, this guide will walk you through the process step by step.