The perfect bouquet 💐
In this FREE digital download is various Flower themed stencils such as a Jasmine Flower, Lotus Flower and a nondescript flower.
Also included is a handy 'How to screen print with stencils' guide.
Get your FREE Stencil downloadEasily get started today ✨
Our screen printing kit for paper & card is a perfect starting point to create and showcase your screen printing work!
Get a screen printing kit today and get our Flower Stencil download FREE
Discover the Flower Garden ✨ 🌸
We also have a limited edition range of eco waterbased sreen printing inks, named, you guessed it...after our favourite flowers - these are a perfect match with the Stencil download 💛
From Forget Me Nots, Sunflowers and Daisies - we've got the whole garden.
Flower Garden InksTrace & Cut ✍️ ✂️
Grab your stencil paper, craft knife or scissors and start cutting!
Allign the Print and pick your inks 🎨
Lay your cut stencil on top of your card, place the screen on top and add your ink!
We have a whole range of limited edition flower garden ink to choose from.
Print and Repeat ✨
Pull the ink through the screen, then lift the screen up to reveal your print!