Take the next step in Screen Printing ✨
Say hey to world of Photo Emulsion and aluminium quality screens.
Take your craft to the next level.
Whether you're starting a clothing brand, printing for your business or still keeping it for fun, if you want to expand your printing, then you're in the right place.
Expose Your Own Screens 👀
The world of Screen Printing just got a lot bigger - Expose your own images and designs onto a screen with our Photo Emulsion Screen Printing Kit! The best part? You can reuse the screens and exposed image for several prints! Perfect for doing a Garment run if you own a T-Shirt Business.
Included with this kit is our Photo Emulsion, the secret ingredient to exposing your own images. Simply pick whether you want a T-Shirts & Fabric or Paper & Card kit and you're off!
The Aluminium Upgrade 🎨
Introducing our high quality Aluminium Screen and Squeegee - which provides better strength, tension and durability over the wooden screens. A longer lasting screen which means longer lasting prints.
Printing for profit? Regular print runs? Aluminium screens are the way to go.