Take the next step in Screen Printing ✨
Say hey to world of Photo Emulsion and aluminium quality screens.
Take your craft to the next level.
Whether you're starting a clothing brand, printing for your business or still keeping it for fun, if you want to expand your printing, then you're in the right place.
Intermediate Screen Printing Kits

Expose Your Own Screens 👀
The world of Screen Printing just got a lot bigger - Expose your own images and designs onto a screen with our Photo Emulsion Screen Printing Kit! The best part? You can reuse the screens and exposed image for several prints! Perfect for doing a Garment run if you own a T-Shirt Business.
Included with this kit is our Photo Emulsion, the secret ingredient to exposing your own images. Simply pick whether you want a T-Shirts & Fabric or Paper & Card kit and you're off!
The Aluminium Upgrade 🎨
Introducing our high quality Aluminium Screen and Squeegee - which provides better strength, tension and durability over the wooden screens. A longer lasting screen which means longer lasting prints.
Printing for profit? Regular print runs? Aluminium screens are the way to go.
Buy your Screen Printing Kit!